Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Question every blogger has

Went to see Julia and Julie last weekend and the ultimate blogger question was raised.

"Does anyone read my blog?"

I ask that myself just about every day.

So if you read my blog, leave a comment and let me know.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Some days

Some days I just have to blog during work hours, because something so completely stupid has happened and I can't wait until I get home.

Today - today! Today - September 11th!!! The numb nuts at the Coast Guard scheduled a "training exercise" on the Potomac River while President Obama was participating in services to honor the people that died on this date eight years ago.

Did nobody at the Coast Guard connect the dots!!!

Just makes me remember that I don't feel much safer than I did in the moments immediately following the events of 9/11.