Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Whats in a name?

An Italian court has told a new mother and father that they cannot name their new baby boy the name they want. They named their new little bundle of joy Friday. Yes, that is right. They named him Friday. The reason? They like the way it sounds. This led me down the natural path of thinking of strange names I know. Knew a woman named Lucrecia - she had a daughter and she wanted their names to rhyme. So the kid goes thru life name Tunicia (not sure if the spelling is right, but I think you get the picture). Then there was the lovely girl I met long ago, she told me her name was DaMeter - I said like da parking meter? Yes. This train of thought led me, of course, to my favorite research tool - the internet. I did a search for unusual baby names, just the names of the sites excited me:

oddbaby.com - nothing like starting your life thinking you were odd - that comes soon enough.
babiesonline.com - can I get more than a name here? Can I actually get a baby? On line might be easier than the Macy's baby sale!

And my absolute favorite site: Alternative baby names. The categories crack me up. Like Cowboy, Wiccan, Hip Hop names are not weird enough, they have Uncommon and Odd baby names. What? Like a Cowboy Wiccan Hip Hop name is not odd enough? Clovis Hades Darshon - just a thought!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Zithwell Roflojo - those were a child's first and middle names. The middle name is made up of the first syllables of his aunt's names, which were the very normal Rose Florence and Josephine.