The first person was a man who sat at the table to the right of me and back a little bit. I could not see his face, just hear his voice. He was calling someone that answered an ad he had placed on Craigslist. I thought cool and wondered what the ad was for. Well, it was boring, he was looking for a roomate. The guy on the other end of the phone was an engineer from southern California, who had moved here for love.
I then moved outside for a few minutes of sitting in the sun before returning to my office. There were two men sitting at the table to the left of me and two women sitting to the right of me.
I could not tell you what the men were talking about, I can only tell you that one of them had best voice. I believe he had and English accent and it was deep and he spoke very slowly and forcefully. I liked it.
To my right the women were talking, neither had a great voice. I did learn that one of them has a large husband - he can't fit into a booth at restaurants. The other is a surfer who has lots of dogs and cats that must shed because she said everything in the house was covered with blankets and sheets to protect them from the animals.
It was just a weird day.
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