Sunday, May 18, 2014

Knowing someone in the obits - kinda sad.

Today I was looking for a theme in the obits.  I found a couple that I thought I would blog about.

There were two men who had been with the SFFD for lots of years prior to retirings.

Then there was the immigrant theme.  Lots of the those this morning, chasing the American dream and according  to their stories they found it.

Then I came across one that I don't normally see - some one I knew.  I read the name and then looked at the picture and had a flashback to the days at McCutchen, Doyle and Brown.  For those of you not in the know, BIG law firm that I worked for in the past.  Lots of attorneys.  Lots of assholes - maybe someday I'll tell the story of why I left.

But not this man, he was one of the good guyes and I am going to break my nom-de-blog rule here and use his real name:

David R. Andrews I knew him in the mid 80's and to tell the truth, I thought about him just his past week.  I remember being in his office one day and he was telling me to never eat tuna.  I think I was contemplating ordering tuna and the conversation flashed in my head.  I ordered a salad instead.  He was an environmental lawyer and based on his obit in this week's paper, so much more.

People come and go in and out of our lives.  It happens all the time.  We meet.  Maybe at work and we become a part of each other's lives for a time.  Then we go away for whatever reason, maybe never to see or hear from each other ever again.  Then you read about them in the obits and you are a little sad.

Mr. Andrews was one of those people that when he spoke, you listened.  Not because you had to, but because he made you want to.  He was always kind to me when our paths crossed - usually a computer problem at some really bad time - I never remember his losing his temper or raising his voice.  But I will always remember his passion about tuna and what had been done to our oceans.

You will be amazed.

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