Sunday, February 19, 2012

Private Places

Reading today's Chronicle story about public open spaces reminded me a trip one lunch time with a friend - whom I shall call FedEx chick 1 (cause her girlfriend would be FedEx chick 2 - or vice versa). FedEx peeps and I would assume any other delivery peeps get to go to places most of us don't even know exist.

FedEx chick would tell me stories of rooms in San Francisco where unless you know someone, you don't get to see them. I was intrigued and she took me on a tour.

I don't remember all of them, but I do remember the best. It was a Julia Morgan ballroom located in the Exchange Building. I just looked it up and it is available for rental hmmmm...

Anyway, since I love Julia Morgan buildings, rooms, hell if she designed a dog house, I'd probably like that as well, it was the highlight of the trip.

So many gems are just hidden in plain site.

I will always be grateful to my FedEx peeps for the tour.

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