Friday, February 8, 2013

Paris Day 1

We have arrived in Paris. Our direct flight from SFO to CDG allowed us to miss any weather related problems moving towards the east coast.

I have to say that having someone meet you at the airport with a sign with your name on it is not a bad thing. A person to drive you to where you are staying

We have rented an apartment on Quai Bourbon in Ille St. Louis which is an incredible location. It is one of those Paris apartments that seem to be carved out of a space that was not meant to be. The front door is half way up a flight of stairs between the ground floor and the first floor. It has been referred to by my beloved as a hobbit hole. It is quite nice but yes some of the doors are low and she has about three inches to spare when standing up in the bathroom. And believe it or not I have banged my head on the bathroom door jamb. Yes I know hard to believe but true

We spent our last day in the states at a funeral for my beloveds aunt. So our first stop after arriving was Notre Dame to light a candle for her. She was a true believer that she was going to Heaven and be with her lord. Well, not sure if I buy into that but she did and if lighting a candle for her in that beautiful church gets her closer to where she hoped to end up it is worth the 2 euros. Rest in peace Kay.

We the went to the grocery store for supplies and walked a bit. We brought dinner home and are now trying hard to stay up for a bit longer to fight that jet lag.

Tomorrow oh what shall we do????

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